Poinsettias are not sh*tty plants.

Alright, I found a spot where my soapbox bother too many people: a blog.
I’ve seen poinsettias my whole life, and surely, if you’re reading this, you have too.

I grew up watching my dad pot poinsettias that he bought at Christmas in his planters and tend to them lovingly, even after the holiday season.
And now my parents have a beautiful 6ft creature in their home, years later!

To most people, poinsettias in January are like hearing Christmas music in October… blegh. No, thank you. But what if we see poinsettias as we see our other tropical house plants? My philodendrons and pothos need the same kind of tropical environment, so what’s so different about a poinsettia?

It’s silly, and maybe a little stupid... but I’m pretending to start a pretend club so more people think about the strange traditions we have, and maybe steward our plants a little better. If you see a poinsettia after reading this post, give it a little leaf pat and some TLC from me.


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